Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sorry it's been so long since I posted. Life happened in a rather dramatic way between then and now. To make a long story shorter, my daddy passed away on June 14. Though he was 90 years old, we were not ready to let him go. I guess you're never ready to say good-bye to your parents. Of course, we know we will see them both again some day.

In the next few posts, I want to share parts of a letter I wrote my dad in 1988. Everything I said about him in that Father's Day note intensified over the next 22 years. He showed me more and more what unconditional love is and I appreciated him more and more. I hope these stories bless your life and that you will allow God to use you as He used Daddy - to impact the lives of many every day.

Dear Daddy,
My earliest memory of you is a Daddy who like fun. My favorite game was "Where's Joy?" At bedtime I would run upstairs and hide under my covers. The suspense was great as I heard you slowly climb the stairs. Then you'd stop at the door and say, "Where's Joy?" Silence.
"Where is Joy?" Silence.
You'd come in and sit down on top of me, keeping your weight on your legs. Once again you'd ask, "Where's Joy?"
Sometimes I'd remain quiet a little longer, but most of the time I would pop out and say, "Here I am!" You would look so surprised, we'd laugh together, and the game would be over.
"I love you, Daddy," I'd say.
"That's nice," you would reply. You didn't say the words, "I love you" very often, but you showed me every night by tirelessly playing "Where's Joy?"

My daddy was a preacher, a missionary, a seminary teacher and an author. He was big stuff, I'm telling you. This story of him reminds me of a quote from St. Francis of Assissi:
"Preach the gospel at all times, and when necessary use words ... It is no
use walking anywhere to preach unless our walking is our preaching."
Yep, daddy's playing was his preaching to me. It said, "I love you. You are my child, and you matter to me. I enjoy spending time with you. I never tire of you." What a sermon, and how like God he was. I hope you and I will demonstrate that kind of love as we are willing to spend time with those who need us.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing. What a great message. I am starting to play that game with Trent and Trevor. They just smile and start making sounds.
